The Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute

A world-class centre of excellence in industrial research, technology, and innovation.

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About Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute

KIRDI is a public research institution under the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry. The mandate of the Institute is to undertake research, development and innovation in industrial and allied technologies and to disseminate the research findings to support industrial development.

Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute

Online Services

Apply for our services and pay. After completing the application print the resulting document and get what you need at ease.

Training and capacity building

Apply for training services.

Business Incubation

Apply for business incubation.

Common Manufacturing Facilities

Apply for common manufacturing facilities

Laboratory Services

Apply for Laboratory Services.

Product Development

Apply for Product Development.

To undertake industrial research and transfer innovative technologies for social-economic development

KIRDI conducts industrial research, transfers innovations, and advises the government on aspects of development, technology, and policy. It collaborates with academic institutions, and agencies to advance innovation and development.

Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute